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In VisageTrackerUnityDemo, the tiger face mask effect is achieved using the same principles as in ShowcaseDemo. Details of implementation can be found in Tracker.cs file (located in visageSDK\Samples\Unity\VisageTrackerUnityDemo\Assets\Scripts\ directory) by searching for keyword "tiger".


See also:


I am using visage|SDK FaceRecognition gallery with a large number of descriptors (100.000+) and it takes 2 minutes to load the gallery. What can I do about it?


It seems that the slowdown is the result of not optimal frame mirroring (our native Windows plugin mirrors the image). Track The track function itself seem seems to be good enough. There are further optimizations that can be implemented. However, for a quick fix solution, try to turn off frame mirroring in Unity project by setting Mirrored property to 0 in the Unity Editor Property page for the Tracker object.


  1. The cameraOrientation and cameraMirror values are equal to 0

  2. The cameraOrientation and cameraMirror value are different from 0

First The first one will just copy pixels to another buffer, and the second one will go to the pixels manipulation process to prepare pixels for the _track() function.

Pixels manipulation is an expensive operation. To avoid it, please turn off isMirrored value which is by default set to 1 and adjust the mirroring property in the setting of camera itself if needed.

This will result in a significantly faster execution of the _grabframe() function.


The error you received indicates that the application cannot locate the license key file. Please verify that the license key file is present in the folder used as a path to initialize the license manager. For more details, please follow the instructions from Documentation -> Licensing.



[Internal - for Visage Technologies contact person] - Check on the VTLS server for the reason why the license was rejected. It can be one of the following (the most common being -6):

  • -1 - License Key sent to VTLS server for validation was malformed

  • -2 - Device ID sent to VTLS server for validation was malformed

  • -3 - License does not exist on VTLS server

  • -4 - License is blocked on VTLS server

  • -5 - License expired

  • -6 - Installations limit reached

  • -7 - Concurrent users limit reached
