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visage|SDK is a Software Development Kit - a set of documented software libraries that software developers can use to integrate Visage Technologies' face tracking, analysis and recognition algorithms into their applications.


See also:

Can I install your software on my computer and just run it?


No. visage|SDK is not a finalized application, but a Software Development Kit that you use to develop/integrate your application. This is what your software development team can hopefully do, based on the documentation delivered as part of visage|SDK.


See also:

Can you develop an application for me?


Your contact person can provide further details.


See also:

Am I entitled to receive technical support?


  • Most of our licenses include the initial 5 hours of support. If you have purchased a license for visage|SDK, then you can use this support (delivered via email).

  • For the majority of our clients, the initial support hours are more than sufficient, but it is also possible to order additional support. Your contact person can advise you on this.

  • If you are evaluating visage|SDK and have technical issues, we will do our best, within reasonable limits, to support your evaluation.


See also:

How to request technical support?


  • the version of visage|SDK (you can find that information in the upper left corner of the documentation, as depicted in the image below).


See also:

How do I migrate to a newer version of visage|SDK?



Sample projects have “video_file_sync“ (or similarly named functionality) enabled, which skips video frames if tracking is slower than real-time. This functionality should be disabled for full video processing i.e processing of all video frames.


See also:

How many faces can be tracked simultaneously?


The tracking distance depends on the camera resolution. For the face to be detected and tracked, it should be at least 30 pixels wide in the image. For example, for a webcam with resolution 1920×1080 (Logitech C920), the tracker can be configured to detect and track faces up to ~7.25 meters from the camera (with performance trade-off).


See also:

Face tracking does not work as I expected


This depends on camera resolution. Face Recognition works best when the size of the face in the image is at least 100 pixels.


See also:

High-level functionalities
