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Visage Technologies strives to minimize changes in API and configuration files when releasing new versions of the SDK. The inevitable changes are listed here together with specific instructions for developers who have existing applications built with older versions.

For each visage|SDK release, incremental changes in relation to the previous release are listed. To apply the changes correctly, apply them in order from the older version to the newer version without skipping intermediary versions.

Table of Contents


visage|SDK 8.7


titleNeural network runner replacement

The in-house developed runner is no longer available and is being replaced by OpenVINO™ toolkit, which is now the only and default neural network runner.


OpenVINO™ toolkit significantly improves the performance of visage|SDK algorithms.

It is implemented in the following libraries:

  • OVPlugin.dll,

  • inference_engine.dll,

  • MKLDNNPlugin.dll,

  • mkl_tiny_tbb.dll,

  • tbb.dll

  • libmmd.dll,

  • svml_dispmd.dll


These libraries are dependencies of libVisageVision64.a and should now be included in projects along with other visage|SDK libraries. Additionally, OpenVINO™ toolkit requires its own set of data files with extensions .vino.bin and .vino.xml provided in Samples/data/bdtsdata.

OpenVINO is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.
