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See also:

How do I migrate to a newer version of visage|SDK?

Migration to a new version of visage|SDK is covered in migration.html page within visage|SDK Documentation.


This is a reference to the deprecated offline documentation. It needs to be replaced with new instructions how to obtain SDK version.

Typical steps when upgrading visage|SDK are:

  1. Obtain new library files (usually in visageSDK/lib) (.dll, .so, .a, .lib) and overwrite the old ones in your application

  2. Obtain new header files (usually in visageSDK/include) and overwrite the old ones in your application

  3. Obtain new data files (usually in visageSDK/Samples/data) and overwrite the old ones in your application (models as well).

  4. Read about the changes in parameters of the configuration files and apply them to your configuration. In case you use default configuration, just overwrite it with the new one.

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