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titleNeural network runner replacement

The in-house developed runner is no longer available and is being replaced by OpenVINO™ toolkit, which is now the only and default neural network runner.


OpenVINO™ toolkit significantly improves the performance of visage|SDK algorithms.

It is implemented in the following libraries:

  • OVPlugin.dll,

  • inference_engine.dll,

  • MKLDNNPlugin.dll,

  • mkl_tiny_tbb.dll,

  • tbb.dll

  • libmmd.dll,

  • svml_dispmd.dll


These libraries are dependencies of libVisageVision64.a dll and should now be included in projects along with other visage|SDK libraries. Additionally, OpenVINO™ toolkit requires its own set of data files with extensions .vino.bin and .vino.xml provided in Samples/data/bdtsdata.

OpenVINO is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.
